Anishinabe people are related to animals via clan systems. In this relationship they protect us in the spirit world and in trade we protect them in the physical world. Our Environment is in peril and we need live in a sustainable manner before its to late. With the guiding principles of our clan system we hope to inspire others to respect animals and the environment for a better future.
For this workshop we invite community members to create their own clan animal masks and outfits. We will bring templates of our animal masks for youth to cut out and will have roughly 5-10 templates to choose from. Then, we will have the masks stapled together with a layer of paper mache for durability. The youth will then be responsible for designing and painting their own masks.
Artist/Elders will also give a presentation to the class regarding clan animals, societies and important lessons we have learned from animals.
Once the outfits are completed we invite participants to join us on May 1st for the Indian Kick Off March and on May 7th for the May Day Parade.
Clan Animal Project Artists
Francis Yellow
Gordon Coons
Lumhe Sampson
Christopher Lutter
Rory Wakemup