FEBRUARY 12, 2016 - MARCH 10, 2016
Two Rivers Gallery will be hosting, "Asemma: The Vessel of Connection" a visiting exhibition, curated by Wendy Savage in partnership with Clearway, QUITPLAN, Fond Du Lac Reservation, MNAW Clinic and the Minneapolis American Indian Center. The exhibit explores the artist's connection to the use and importance of Asemaa (tobacco) in their daily lives and culture. Misuse of tobacco - cigarettes in the general population is a major health concern in today's world. Tobacco use and secondhand smoke have been proven to cause cancer. Reservations are now taking a hard stand to lessen the use of cigarettes and secondhand smoke in our populations.
Lung cancer is one of the major causes of death in our native populations. Natives die at a higher rate than the general populations, and are diagnosed at later stages of cancer. As an ovarian cancer survivor herself, Savage has had firsthand experience with cancer treatments, "If we can help raise awareness to stop smoking and keep secondhand smoke from our environment, it will start the path to better health for us all."
Carl Gawboy
Joyce Laporte
Wendy Savage
Karen Savage-Blue
Vern Northrup
Jonathan Thunder
Charles Nahgahnub
robin Bellenger
Larissa Greensky